One Year Down, A Lifetime To Go

As we all got prepared to celebrate the first anniversary of the birth moment, Papa and I wanted to start the countdown to 10:51am at 10:49 (120, 119, 118, 117…) but wiser heads prevailed.

Markedly fewer tears shed by either mother or child this year.

I offered to stage a recreation of Atticus’s first photo with Christine and Atticus reprising their original roles and Gramma playing the part of Dr. Miyazaki but nobody else was interested.

Surprise Buddy! It’s Batman® pajamas!

We got him an adorable pair of Batman® pajamas. Unfortunately, no cowl or cape was included but I am in the process of convincing Christine that it wouldn’t be a choking hazard and she should sew something to complete his costume. We’ll see how it goes.

*Chewing* on the toothbrush is the next best thing to actual brushing, right?



We also got him a little tooth brush and Apple-Banana baby toothpaste for little, gerbil-like baby teeth. Mmmmmm… He mostly just chews on the tooth brush at this point but at least he’s on the right track.

Don’t make me angry… you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry…

I was teaching a class that evening so we all decided to go to Kimono for a birthday lunch. It was actually more of a lunch for us but he did have some of my sweet carrots so I think that counts. Atticus quickly grew bored as he was repeatedly told that he couldn’t play with things such as sharp knives, full glasses, empty glasses, eye glasses etc. etc. but the waitresses all kept coming over to flirt with him so he was mostly occupied.

Shortly after we finished eating, we heard the telltale clapping that signals a restaurant birthday celebration! We hadn’t asked them to do anything special but we had mentioned that we were celebrating his first birthday so the fact that they were singing to him, was that much greater! I think almost the entire staff, save for two or three kitchen guys, came out to sing. I missed it but Gramma said that the kitchen guys (who had spent much of the time we were there, waving and making faces at Atticus through the kitchen window) made a “giant flame-volcano” at the crescendo of the “Happy Birthday” song.

Rather than a boring piece of cake, they brought out this magnificent origami pagoda thing made out of orange pieces and toothpicks! It was great and maybe they always do that for birthdays, but it felt super special. Atticus devoured the orange pieces as fast as he could get his chubby little hands on them. He may have gotten his table manners and proclivity for mealtime mess making from me but he got his voracious appetite from his mother! I think it’s a vegetarian thing.

Atticus makes short work of consuming the ground levels of the structure
Atticus attempts to demonstrate the proper way to comb his hair

Next on the agenda was to go to Great Clips for Atticus’s first hair cut! He was very patient and didn’t cry or anything but he kept trying to see what the stylist was doing to his hair!

Atticus’s attempts to cultivate his ever lengthening mullet are cut short.

Somebody, I don’t remember who, suggested holding a hand mirror so that he could look at himself. He loves nothing more than looking at his own reflection!

Atticus checks out the baby in the mirror that seems to follow him wherever he goes
How much for a mohawk?

I needed to be at Sawtooth at 5:00 so after his haircut, we went back home for cake and ice cream. We have never really given Atticus any sugary type treats just because we haven’t so we weren’t sure how he would react to these birthday delights.

Tiny birthday cupcake and tiny cup of Ben & Jerry’s are mutually ignored by the birthday boy. Soon, though, he will learn the joys of sugary snacks and empty calories.

At first, he was only interested in the mylar balloon that Gramma had suggested getting but when we all started singing and he noticed the mini cupcake with its burning candle! Then it was hard to keep our little pyromaniac from grabbing the flame…

Christine holds his hands back from grabbing the candle as we begin to sing the traditional birthday dirge.
“Happy birthday, dear Atticuuuuuuuuuus…” (YYYAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!)

Atticus “sang” (ie. ear piercingly screeched) along with us as we wished him a happy birthday. When the song was done and the candle had been extinguished,

Picking up a cup cake by the icing is not as successful as you might think

Christine removed the wax number one and Atticus just looked down at the cupcake, unsure what to do next. Christine dabbed her finger in the icing, let Atticus taste it and told him it was good for him to eat.

He gingerly tried picking up the cupcake by the icing and made it halfway to his mouth before the cupcake and the bit of icing he was holding on to parted ways fell to the table (icing side down, of course.) He solemnly picked it back up and, with speed that I wouldn’t have thought possible for a one year old, he shoved the entire thing in his mouth with both hands!

After a brief mishap, Atticus crams the ENTIRE (mini) cupcake into his mouth and chews for several minutes before sucking the residual icing off of his hands

He held everything in his mouth with his two meaty little fists until the mini cupcake was devoured and he smoothly transitioned into consuming the icing stuck between his fingers. When he was done, we decided to give him some of his ice cream. The first several bites were met with a horrible face, a slight shake of the head and grunts for more.

I know it looks like he’s in pain but I think it is more shock than anything else.
“Do you promise that this next bite won’t be as cold as that last one?”
“Ice cream, you frigid temptress!! I don’t I think I’ll be able to choke down more than another bite or two (or three or four…)”
On the one hand, ice cream is cold and foreign and unfamiliar BUT on the other hand it is delicious and melting quickly…

Atticus had a wonderful first birthday and he was great all day long! We honestly couldn’t ask for a more perfect son!

I’ve been trying to take a picture of him each day (it started with Christine’s pregnancy) and rather than showing the updated version every few months, I’ve decided that I’ll post it each year on (or near) his birthday. Check it out:

Stocking Stuffers

Here’s a Christmas card for you!

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, But Atticus was angry (you can tell by his glare)
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
But Atticus was angry (you can tell by his glare)

And here’s an un-written on version:

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, But Atticus was angry (you can tell by his glare)
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
But Atticus was angry (you can tell by his glare)







We made our annual pilgrimage to Pittsburgh, PA for Christmas but this year we brought our own baby (and he’s been quite a hit!) Here are some of my favorite photos that I captured during our trip.

First present ever and it's… a sweater. It's okay, though, because it's a super cute, handmade sweater! Thanks Lois!!
First present ever and it’s… a sweater. It’s okay, though, because it’s a super cute, handmade sweater! Thanks Lois!!

Santa’s not the only one who deserves a “Thank you!”

Christine taught Alicia how to make tiiiiiiiiny Cheerio® sized donuts for Santa's elves!
Christine taught Alicia how to make tiiiiiiiiny Cheerio® sized donuts for Santa’s elves!
…and the elves, politely, left an equally tiny Thank You note
…and the elves, politely, left an equally tiny Thank You note

Santa brought Atticus a toddler-sized corn popper and the elves brought a tiny elf-sized corn popper (with a tiny scroll to explain that they made it just for him but mom would probably insist on using it as a tree ornament!)



Atticus admires how his 'Baby's First Christmas' spoon catches the light as he dangles it around
Atticus admires how his ‘Baby’s First Christmas’ spoon catches the light as he dangles it around

I think Atticus has been battling the sniffles for the last week or so. Between the runny nose and excessive drool, the lower half of his head is nearly always drenched!

Hey guys! (SNIFFF!) Wait, where's everybody going?(SNERFFF!)
Hey guys! (SNIFFF!) Wait, where’s everybody going?(SNERFFF!)
Domino lurks deep in his catacomb
Domino lurks deep in his catacomb
Mommy taunts Atticus with wonderfully colored plastic war toys but he is cut off at the Connor Pass.
Mommy taunts Atticus with wonderfully colored plastic war toys but he is cut off at the Connor Pass.
Atticus tries on one of Uncle Chris's new fire building gloves…
Atticus tries on one of Uncle Chris’s new fire building gloves…


Throw your hands in the air… and wave them like you just don’t care… and if you’re momma’s little guy but when she’s gone you start to cry then let me hear you say, “Oh yeah!”

Christine wanted me to take some portraits of Atticus in front of the tree but he kept charging at me and trying to touch my lens. It was scarier than it sounds…
Christine wanted me to take some portraits of Atticus in front of the tree but he kept charging at me and trying to touch my lens. It was scarier than it sounds…
…and he STRIKES!
…and he STRIKES!
I don't know why he started doing this tongue thing
I don’t know why he started doing this tongue thing
Atticus thinks that it is the most hilarious thing in the world when a grown-up lies down on the floor
Atticus thinks that it is the most hilarious thing in the world when a grown-up lies down on the floor
Atticus graciously allows Papa to play with his toys
Atticus graciously allows Papa to play with his toys
Unfortunately, Atticus sorta has a monkey on his back…
Unfortunately, Atticus sorta has a monkey on his back…

My Cheapo Lighting Portrait Shoot

I wasn’t in any danger from the scary skeleton (it’s really just Atticus)

Recently, I’ve been taking a lighting class at Sawtooth with, instructor, Bill Lusk. So far (we have only finished the first part of a three part class), just about everything that we’ve learned has been stuff I learned in college but I very much had the mindset of, “I don’t really need to learn studio lighting because I’m going to be outside in the middle of everything or on tour with some band where I won’t be able to control the lighting anyway.” Yeah well… Fast forward nearly a decade and a half later, amidst a digital photography revolution and now you can barely cross the street without bumping into at least one “photographer” and, sight unseen, my photographic skills no longer sound like anything especially special.

In all seriousness…
Okay guys, let’s get serious

How can I differentiate myself from the piles of camera toting weekend warriors loitering the streets of the planet? I’ll study up on all the lighting techniques that I was so resistant to in school! Seems a little redundant, you say? I prefer to think of it as I’m getting to pay two times to learn the same information! Eh? Eh? Oh well, I’m enjoying the class and I’m getting a great refresher on all the stuff that I’ve forgotten/avoided learning in the first place!

I managed to talk Atticus into being my involuntary, if only semi-willing, model. I think he did a great job!

Cackling bones
He seems pretty happy for such a boney kid
Hang ten, brah
Sometimes, Atticus pretends he is a surfer
Subtly shrewd
Subtly shrewd (just like his mother)
I love my Dad THIS much!
Scooby Dooby Doo! Where Are you?
I am tolerant and reflective
“…even as a child, Emperor Atticus was tolerant and reflective” ~ Helen Gill Forsythe Kirk