Well, I Got Something To Say!

Atticus has been practicing his rock and roll, frontman posturing since he was barely 4 months old

When I took this shot in early May of 2012, I initially captioned it, thus:

“After realizing that he has an exact duplicate on his right arm, Atticus chose to try his hand at cannibalism. Fortunately, his teeth have not yet grown in so he just gummed his fist until he fell asleep.”

But as I look at it nearly 10 months later I see it in a slightly different light – as my friend, Rob pointed out back when I first posted it on Facebook, he looks like he should be holding a microphone. With an innate love of anything with a melody, his musicianship extends to the limits of what Fisher Price allows and anytime he hears a song on TV or the radio, he starts bobbing his head and shoulders. The kid has better rhythm than I have ever had (even pre-brain injury!)

Tickling the plastics

We have a hand-me-down, toddler sized, stand-up synthesizer keyboard that Atticus LOVES! He stands in front of it or, if he’s getting fancy, off to the side of it and bangs ALL the keys and buttons and both of the drum pads at the same time while he “dances.” What is produced is a cacophony of various synthesized instruments, animal sounds, regular piano and drum sounds interspersed with the demo songs and declaration/sound effects like, “GUITAAAAR! Brer-ber-brerrroow!” Sometimes when he starts to get fussy, I’ll stand him up in front of his piano and say, “Hey buddy! Play Daddy a song!” He usually starts pressing keys and gets a big smile. How old can a baby be and still be considered a prodigy?

Author: dadocamera

Geek by nature, Photographer by trade, Father and Husband by choice